Saturday, May 31, 2014

Flames in the sky

About this photo

Taken where: Along rue Pierre Reverce, Noumea.

Camera used: Panasonic Lumix GF6

Description: To me, this looks like fire in the sky abouts to fall on houses....but it's only a cloud!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New member!

About this photo

Taken where:

Camera used: Panasonic Lumix GF6

Description: This are new our new member of the family, We haven't officially named her yet. Just to say she has adopted us. One morning she came up to our window and we gave her some milk and she has decided to stick around. So, I think my family and I are pretty happy.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Deserted beach

About this photo

Taken where: La Roche Percé, Bourail New Caledonia

Camera used: Panasonic Lumix GF6

Description: In my mind I wish I could have the beach to myself like this. With lots of sand, patchs of grass on a perfect day or even a bit greyer like in the photo. 

Sorry for being slack!

I'm sorry I haven"t posted for nearly a month! I thought I would have the time every day but it turns out I'm very busy with school work, my hobbies and other things. I also have been distracting myself with my new favourite singer Lana Del Rey. I love her songs so much I can't stop listening to them over and over again. So, anyway I will post more often now and I will not leave my blog pending for a long moment.

P.S: I will also post a picture today in another post.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A taste of Paradise!!

About this photo

Taken where: Phare Amedee, Noumea

Camera used: Panasonic Lumix GF6

Description: This is what summer is nearly always like in New Caledonia. I'm so lucky to live here.